Welcome and what’s good! If you have dreams of becoming a sought after authority on topics such as marketing and advertising then here is your opportunity to get published on a major platform. We just launched our first publication on MEDIUM, called D.A.M.N! (Disrupt Advertising and Marketing Now!) This is a laid back atmosphere for the creative writer that either works within or just enjoys writing about the most important pillar of business: Marketing. These are the Submission Guidelines for D.A.M.N! read them carefully and start submitting those stories!

You do not have to wait for a prompt or a theme from me.
Each month, I will provide a Monthly Theme to help us all get those creative juices flowing. I will write an entry on the same theme because the goal is to help you and ME.
Although, I understand that we are all creative beings here - so write when you FEEL like it, when you are passionate about a topic or subject, WRITE and send me the draft.
We selected the official logo based on the results from a Facebook survey!

BUT FIRST…do the following:
FOLLOW D.A.M.N — this is a reciprocal relationship. This is about helping each other grow.
FOLLOW THE EDITOR — this makes it easier for you to stay in touch with me.
SUBSCRIBE TO MY POSTS — this will ensure that you receive every prompt, newsletter, and anything else I publish on D.A.M.N in an email. You will notice a ‘letter button’ beside the ‘follow button’ by my name on all my posts. To subscribe to me by email, simply click that ‘letter button’.
SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER — All interactions between me and writers will come via a newsletter. This includes updates and news in one newsletter built into Medium. Including any important information regarding D.A.M.N! and/or Medium.
TURN ON YOUR PRIVATE NOTES. To do this, go into Settings, Account, and click ON to allow Private Notes. This is the best way to connect and communicate with each other before you publish your work in the publication. You can also leave me PNs when you submit drafts if you need assistance. Although, PNs are not a part of the Mobile APP yet - why I do not know! You can read my PNs to you. If you need to communicate directly concerning a PN left on your work, you can always email me at the address below.
If you have any issues or questions about anything dealing with this D.A.M.N publication, feel free to reach me — Email: ehrenm@emproltd.com

New-To-Medium and D.A.M.N!
Any published work that violates these guidelines WILL BE REMOVED. If you have 3 articles removed from the publication; you will be removed as a contributor and have to re-apply.
Your submitted work must be about or regarding marketing practices/sectors such as: advertising, promotions, public relations, digital marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, MLM, affiliate marketing, sales, event marketing, experience marketing, guerilla marketing, branding, marketing technology.
You must adhere to the Medium’s Terms of Service as well as the Medium Rules. This is a platform for us to get our voices heard, do not violate it.
You can view a Step-by-Step of HOW and WHY you must submit drafts right here — Submitting Drafts and Citing Images
The guidelines that Dr Mehmet Yildiz uses on his own publications for Photos and Copyright issues is the most well-rounded and thorough on Medium. I use these guidelines for D.A.M.N! Please read them carefully and act appropriately for all drafts submitted.
Please use a Title in title case, a Subtitle in subtitle case (it should come after the Title and before the Image), and add a properly cited Image (it should come below the Subtitle). This is best practice for ANY online publication. Make your titles catchy, and not click-bait (that is against Medium’s rules). Subtitles should be a short descriptive addition to your Title. Choose an Image that enhances your piece. Use visuals, images and videos to make the content more attractive to your readers' and an enjoyable experience.
Please review the articles at Medium Help for the following:
How to Mention someone in your story (called tagging)
How can I make a single-spaced line break? To make a single-spaced line break (as in poetry) go to the end of your line and press Shift + Enter at the same time.
8. Rich Content Resources
9. To All Multilingual Writers — Although, this publication welcomes and recommends that you write in your native language, you must also write and publish the English translation within the same story OR place a direct link to the English translated article placed at the TOP of your article.
10. 💥💥ONLY SUBMIT DRAFTS FOR EDITING💥💥 Do not publish on your page and then submit to D.A.M.N! Submit to D.A.M.N! and I will publish the piece on my end.
11. YES, you can submit and publish AI generated Art and Stories. YOU MUST clearly state that the Art and/or Story is generated by AI. If you fail to do so, Medium will take down your stories and likely suspend your account. Read their stance on AI articles.
12. You may submit up to (3) three pieces per day.
Polish your stories. Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. [If you can use Chrome as your browser, the free version of Grammarly works as an extension and will underline in red any suggested changes.] If you need assistance with your stories, please contact me via the email address above.
Make sure your images are properly captioned; this includes videos where appropriate.
Make sure you are using the publication’s Reader Interest tags (I reserve the right to change one of your tags if you have not used an appropriate one — this is to keep the website in an orderly fashion). These tags are your keywords, always write with SEO in mind because you want people to actually read your work. You deserve it.
D.A.M.N! Reader Interest tags are:
Disruption for pieces that about changing or critiquing marketing
Advertising for anything about advertising - advice, critiques, suggestions, and education
Marketing for anything about marketing - advice, critiques, suggestions, and education
Entertainment for anything about the entertainment world - advice, critiques, suggestions, and education

More Guidelines
I will not tolerate hate speech in this publication. This includes political, religious, racial, and cultural discrimination. I will reject any pieces of writing that violate this and will remove anyone who violates this in comments — this includes being rude to the Editor. Play nice and be kind.
Promptly Written does not publish any fiction (essays or articles), Conspiracy Theories, or nonfiction about conspiracy theories. This will get your publication removed and you removed as a contributor.
Pieces about the XXX / Erotic industry or regulated products (tobacco, legal drugs, alcohol and firearms) are acceptable here. I reserve the right to reject any XXX and/or Erotica that is too graphic, denigrating, or promoting anything illegal. The article must be about the marketing, advertising, and/or technology in the industry.
I operate in the United States in the Central Time Zone. Submissions will be published during the hours of 6:00 pm-11:00 pm, Wednesdays. On Friday and Saturday I am not online and will not review or reply to any work. Please use this converter to figure out what hours these are in your own time zone. If there is to be a delay in publishing and I am able, I will leave you a private note to let you know when your work is scheduled to be published.
All submissions will be published as soon as possible. However, there will be times when you may have to wait 24–72 hours. Please be patient. No owners of publications get paid. This is a labor of love and passion. We all have lives to live outside of Medium. I respect your time and I appreciate it you respect mine.
If you are publishing your piece in D.A.M.N! please remember to Mention (tag) me (@EhrenMuhammad) at the end of your story.
If you are publishing the SAME piece anywhere besides D.A.M.N! always Mention (tag) me (@EhrenMuhammad) at the end of your story so I can find and support your work. DO NOT tag me under the Reader Interest tag section for a publication. I will NOT be able to find your work that way.
If you are writing from one of the Monthly Themes posted in D.A.M.N! or any other publication, please leave a link to the theme post in the BODY of your story. Preferably at the end so it doesn’t disrupt your story - see what I did there? Disrupt your story, 🙂. Get it?
Leave a comment below stating that you understand and agree to the guidelines.
Ask to be added as a writer.
Provide your Medium ID
Those are the guidelines and I reserve the right to make changes to said guidelines in the future as needed.
Why is it important to submit in draft form? Medium only allows you to post stories in ONE publication at a time. You can post to your own page and then submit it to a publication if it allows this. Most publications on Medium ONLY accept DRAFTS. I have been publishing pre-published stories if I can verify that they come only from the Author’s own page; however, this creates extra work for me, time that could be spent publishing others’ stories, writing our own stories or creating prompts. D.A.M.N! will ONLY accept DRAFTS. Please do not force me to reject your story because you pre-published it (even to your page) before submitting it to D.A.M.N!
This is a step by step method for submitting drafts: First off, in the top left, it should say Draft in ___(your own page). In the top right of the page you will see the following:

Publish in green
Three dots (…)
Your notification bell
Your account icon
If you are posting to your OWN page, you would immediately click the PUBLISH in GREEN.
However, if you want to submit to a publication, instead of clicking publish, you will click on the THREE DOTS. That will bring down a MENU.
The very first option is Add to Publication. When you click on that, it will show all of the publications where you are listed as a writer.

Choose the publication you want to submit your work to. Then at the bottom of that list, it will say Select and Continue. Click that.

The pull-down menu will close and you will now see Submit in green. Click Submit and it will take you to the screen where you can check your image, title, subtitle, and add tags.
Once everything looks good to go on this page, click on Submit to Publication.
Another screen will come up saying that you’ve submitted to the publication of choice.
Click ok.
At the top right, it should now say Draft in (Publication).
You can then close that window or go on about whatever else you want to do on Medium.
Your draft will then be in the Publication’s queue and I will review and publish it in D.A.M.N.
Now get writing and sending in those articles, damn it!
